General Information
Home page | Version | Licensing | | R2013b | Access to the Matlab installation on Vilje is available for NTNU employees and students only |
R2014a |
Usage on Vilje
The Matlab Parallel Computing Toolbox (PCT) allows you to run on available cores on a node. Notice, Matlab will use one licence from the common NTNU licence pool for each running PCT program.
It is possible to run Distributed Matlab on Vilje. See here.
Important Do NOT start the Matlab GUI on Vilje. All production jobs must run in the queuing system. |
Sample Matlab Job Script
#!/bin/bash ################################################### # # Matlab job # ################################################### # #PBS -N test #PBS -A nn1234k #Your project account #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=32:ompthreads=16 #PBS -l walltime=01:00:00 #HH:MM:SS #PBS -q workq module load matlab cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR matlab -nodisplay -r "myprogram"
Parallel Computing Toolbox example
Create a matlab file for running your code, e.g. test.m
parpool('local',16); %Start parallel toolbox try %My code start ----------------------- % This example print out the lab ID from each worker spmd labindex end %My code end -------------------------- delete(gcp('nocreate')); %Stop parallel toolbox catch exception delete(gcp('nocreate')); disp('**\* Job Script Error \***'); disp(exception.identifier); end
Submit the job to the queueing system using a job script (see Sample Matlab Job Script), e.g. matlab.pbs
$ qsub matlab.pbs